Online Pai Gow Poker Odds

Home » Online Pai Gow Poker Odds

When we talk about good odds in Pai Gow Poker we must factor the bets and type of game you’re playing. Pai Gow Poker is a popular casino table game that requires you to beat the dealer. Players will receive seven hands in total. It would be best to use a winning strategy when playing the game at top-rated casino sites.

We present to you a table of odds of Pai Gow Poker. Also, get some tips on how to form the best hand. Then, you can start playing real money Pai Gow Poker and win.

online pai gow poker odds

Pai Gow Poker Good Odds


Hands Odds
Five Aces 40,000-1
Straight Flush 750-1
7 Card Straight Flush 5,000,000-1
Three of a Kind 20-1
Royal Flush 6,000-1
Royal Flush Plus 2’2s 2,000,000-1
Four of a Kind 500-1
Full House 36-1
Flush 25-1
Straight 14-1
Pair 5/2
Two Pair 2/9
Nothing 13-2


Best Online Pai Gow Poker Hand

Playing Pai Gow Poker is thrilling because you must challenge yourself and form the best hand to win the game. This means both your five and two card hands need to be high as possible or at least one should be. A good strategy is essential in achieving your winning goals.

  • Know the rules of the casino game
  • Understand the hands, bets, and house
  • Avoid making mistakes and know which moves to make by using a working Pai Gow Poker strategy

When playing the game you need to consider hands that have good odds and bets. Have a look at different strategies and choose the ones that best works for you. Once you are confident about you game plan you can head on to one of our recommended casino sites.